ARCHESIA - Interior Centro Di Cultura Creativa-1

CREATIVE CULTURAL CENTRE / Milan – Italy / 2015 / Archésia

This project aims to find a new use for the area of Mi­lan consisting of the former meat market and slaughter­house. The site is now disused with dilapidated buildings.

After careful research of areas in Milan with a connection to art and mapping of all museums, this area has been selected for redevelopment to rectify the dearth of cultural representation.

The core of the site is formed of the existing slaugh­terhouse and walkway which are to be preserved along with the outline of the former live and meat markets. All of them together form the Centre of Cultural Creativity. The proposed basement level of the former markets har­monies the different levels of the surrounding parkland.

In addition to the proposed cultural institutions, the pro­ject foresees the construction of some residential blocks.

The proposed concept is to allow art to be expe­rienced in an interactive and interesting man­ner and not just as something to be viewed.

The design concept has drawn inspiration from the abstract geometry of Piet Mondrian. , Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky.

The graphic composition of these artists’ paint­ings has been translated into the architectur­al language of urban planning and public spaces.

The project has been conceived to provide a multifunc­tional space for cultural activities as well as for public use by local residents.